Hypersen Technologies Co., Ltd.订阅源 Hypersen Technologies Co., Ltd. Copyright © Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved.Hypersen Technologies Co., Ltd. zh-cn Hypersen’s chromatic confocal sensor is used for PCB appearance defect detection 2023-05-09 08:05:42 As the "mother of electronic products", the printed circuit board (PCB board) is also the product with the highest market share in the global electronic component products. As small as electronic watches, calculators, and general-purpose computers, as large as computers, communication electronic equipment, and military weapon systems, as long as there are electronic components such as integrated circuits, PCB is used for electrical interconnection between them. Application of Hypersen’s different machine vision inspections in mobile phone inspections 2023-05-09 07:44:26 If there is a list of "necessary tools for going out", there is no doubt that "mobile phone" is at the top! It can be carried with you every day, which is convenient for personal life and work, and its importance is self-evident. ABB 2021-08-18 01:55:37 Hypersen 6-Axis Force Torque Sensor HPS-FT series 2021-04-13 02:21:33 Aubo 2021-08-18 01:56:41 Epson 2021-08-18 01:57:15 FANUC 2021-08-18 01:58:02 Jaka 2021-08-18 01:58:38 Kawasaki 2021-08-18 01:59:18 Kuka 2021-08-18 01:59:54 Mitsubishi 2021-08-18 02:00:28 Rokae 2021-08-18 02:01:03 Toshiba 2021-08-18 02:01:44 Staubli 2021-08-18 02:04:05 Yaskawa 2021-08-18 02:04:55 Dobot 2021-08-18 02:07:05 HAN*S大族 2021-08-18 02:10:11 Hypersen Chromatic Confocal Sensors Videos 2020-05-23 04:39:41 Center Pointing 2019-04-30 12:00:00 在自动化生产中,确定工艺方案之前,合理地选择工件定位基准对保证加工中心的加工精度,提高加工中心的应用效率有着决定性的意义,所选基准应能保证工件定位准确,装卸方便、迅速,夹紧可靠,且夹具结构简单。 海伯森技术自主研发的六维力传感器可以检 Safety Area Protection 2019-04-30 12:00:00 在生产环境中,我们使用防护笼和安全门保护人类免受机器伤害。从而实现人机安全合作。然而要想提高生产效率,就需要移除安全门和防护笼,实现人机协作。那么,怎样才能打造足够安全的机器,以实现人机交互呢? 工业机器人必须以一种类似于那些可能带来 Robot Collision Avoidance 2019-03-25 08:33:27 随着机器人应用范围增大,人们对机器人的要求也越来越高,尤其对机器人安全性能的要求越来越高,最初研制的机器人只能完成一些单一、简单的重复人物,而不具备人机交互能力;随着技术高速的发展,机器人更加趋于智能化,能够完成更加复杂的人物,例如磨削、装配、钻孔 Force Feedback Control 2019-03-25 08:32:58 现代的工业自动化生产过程中,基于力反馈的工业机器人操作系统能够在视觉通道的基础上向操作人员提供规律性的反馈力,使操作者能够感知机械臂与环境的交互状态,获取逼真、沉浸式的临场操作感觉,便于完成各种环境未知、复杂、难度高、安全性要求高的任务。 Robot Hand Guiding 2019-03-25 08:32:35 目前工业机器人应用领域从汽车、电子电器、机械等行业逐步向其他应用领域扩展,在越来越多的应用任务中,尤其是产品线更替周期短的应用场景,对机器人的应用柔性和部署快速性提出了更高要求。在传统应用领域,机器人应用任务示教环节占据了大量部署时间,并且传统 Force Controlled Assembly 2019-03-25 08:32:16 在以机器人为主的自动装配系统中,机器人借助传感器的信息及各种辅助自动装置完成装配作业。尽管工业机器人对其工作环境的适应性、可靠性在不断提高,其低的定位精度常常是其应用过程中的一个主要障碍,因为大多数装配过程要求相当高的位姿精度,而不允许零件装配过程 Surface Polishing 2019-03-25 08:31:52 目前国内大部分制造公司的发动机外壳、车身等工件去毛刺打磨抛光加工作业大多采用手工或者使用手持气动,电动工具进打磨、研磨、锉等方式进行加工,容易导致产品不良率上升,而且效率非常低下,并且出现加工后的产品表面粗糙不均匀等问题;同时,由于去毛刺打 Vehicle height limit 2020-08-06 03:15:48 The Hypersen lidar can accurately and quickly detect whether the vehicle is over-elevated in real time, and actively provide early warning for collision avoidance. The lidar height-limiting intelligent anti-collision system can efficie Vehicle Type Recognition 2020-08-06 03:32:40 According to the newly revised "Classification of Toll Road Vehicle Toll Vehicles" issued by the Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of my country, starting from January 1, 2020, the classification of toll roads across the country will b Chromatic confocal sensor for Sapphire Crystal or lens thickness measurement 2020-08-01 12:20:17 Sapphire glass (SAPPHIRE CRYSTAL) generally refers to synthetic sapphire, which is very different from the jewelry that people usually understand-natural sapphire, and is generally used for the manufacture of watch mirrors. Sapphire gl Smart parking 2020-07-06 05:24:51 As for the intelligent parking solution, the existing detection means include: ground sensing coil, wireless geomagnetic detection, camera, microwave radar. Geosynthetic coil is an early scheme, which has stable technology and low price. Howe Film thickness measurement 2020-08-01 01:42:18 Normally, the thickness of the film refers to the distance between the surface of the substrate and the surface of the film, but in fact, the surface of the film is uneven and discontinuous, and there are pinholes, microcracks, fibers, impurities, Automatic Barrier Gates 2019-03-18 10:04:51 自动化创新自己承担成本,作为全力采用自动化的第一产业之一,汽车制造业一直得益于机器人技术的不断发展。随着时间的推移,在汽车制造应用中所使用的机器人已经变得比之前的产品更小、更精确和更加多功能化,使得它们在生产过程中不可或缺。 Step Height Measurement 2019-04-30 12:00:00 段差指两块模具镶件或前后模等分型面位置因为加工精度偏差导致匹配的偏差,目前,针对工件段差的检测,主要采用的是高度尺,人工操作效率比较低且直接接触产品表面容易划伤产品,无法满足后续组装工位对产品质量的要求。 海伯森技术自主研发的高精度位 Traffic Classification 2019-03-18 10:04:34 随着经济的不断发展,人们的生活水平得到极大的提高,但同时也引来了一系列问题,交通环境的恶化就是其中一个方面。因此,旨在改善交通环境的智能交通系统应运而生,其高效的运行离不开车流量,车速以及车型等交通信息的检测,而车型类别无论在交通情况调查还是在高速 Application of Lidar in elevator automatic projector 2020-08-06 01:51:44 1. Introduction to application scenarios The projector is installed in the elevator car, projecting directly to the elevator door, and playing advertisements and other videos to passengers in the elevator. When the elevator door is ope Thickness Measurement 2019-04-30 12:00:00 海伯森自主研发的高精度激光位移传感器可以将被测物体厚度并转换成可用输出信号,它在工业生产过程中常用于测量材料及其表面镀层厚度,并且可以用于厚度控制系统的误差测量。它的应用范围很广,可应用于卡片、纸张、木板、钢板、传输带、橡胶片、电池极片等材料的厚度 Industrial Collaborative Robot 2019-04-30 12:00:00 工业机器人作为智能制造系统中最为重要的智能设备,其单独存在时并不能完成任何工作,其必须结合具体的应用,加上特定的集成应用场景,搭载满足具体应用场景的控制程序,组成完整的系统集成应用。工业机器人系统集成应用中的涉及的传感器包括如下产品: Traffic Counter 2019-03-18 10:03:59 海伯森技术自主研发的高精度传感器可以侧装(或顶装)安装于道路旁,用于检测多条车道的车流量、车道占有率、车型分类等信息,产品可以侧装(或顶装)安装于道路旁,广泛应用于高速公路或城市快速道路的交通信息检测,为交通管理提供准确、可靠、实时的交通情报,保障 Flatness Measurement 2019-04-30 12:00:00 海伯森技术自主研发的高精度位移传感器可以测量物体表面平整度并检测可能存在的凹痕。这是一种激光三角全反射位移传感器,将激光光源、光电检测和计算机工业控制技术相结合的光、机、电一体化的高新技术产品,具有非接触测量、不损伤物体表面、无环境污染、抗干扰能力强 People Counting 2019-04-30 12:00:00 随着人类社会的进步,人口的不断增多,商场、办公楼和学校等场所的人流量逐渐增加,当发生火灾、地震等意外灾害时人们很难逃生,而有限的救援力量将使得灾后的救援人物愈发艰难,如何合理分配救援资源是亟待解决的重要问题。针对这种情况,实时了解上场、办公楼、学校 Service Robot 2019-04-30 12:00:00 服务机器人是一种半自主或全自主工作的机器人,它能完成有益于人类健康的服务工作,但不包括从事生产的设备,它可以分为专业领域服务机器人和个人/家庭服务机器人,应用范围很广,主要从事维护保养、修理、运输、清洗、保安、救援、监护等工作。 为了让 Automatic Toll Station 2019-03-18 10:03:40 近年来,随着技术的发展,除了ETC以外,还诞生了视觉识别系统,及人工智能算法等的配套措施,使得收费站的不停车收费得以成功应用。 海伯森技术推出的高精度传感器,能够对车辆进行摄像及识别,精准检测车道上通过车辆的长度、宽度、高度信息;分析车辆 Six axis F/T sensors applied in surgery 2020-08-01 10:36:38 In traditional open surgery, doctors can perceive force feedback to determine the force applied to tissues and organs. This interactive information allows doctors to perform more precise operations on patient tissues and organs. For example: in the Abrasion & Wear Testing 2019-04-30 12:00:00 在现今的工业数控切削过程中,刀具的磨损和失效是造成机床设备损坏和切削加工安全事故的主要起因,同时还影响着机械加工效率、效益以及精度。因此能够有效地实现对刀具磨损的在线监测,并且当发现刀具破损是,能实时地作出相应处理,便显得尤为重要。 Wafer Surface Testing 2019-04-30 12:00:00 晶圆是制作IC最基础的半导体材料,晶圆的质量将直接决定IC成品的质量好坏。由于工艺水平不同,晶圆可能会在生产阶段产生冗余物、晶体缺陷和机械损伤三种缺陷。晶圆检测设备主要针对晶圆切割后的外观检测,比如:尺寸,破损,裂粒,气孔,裂痕,镍层不良等等。因此,高 Safety Area Protection 2019-04-30 12:00:00 安全防范大致分二类,一是周界安全防范,主要是在防护区域的边界利用红外、电子围栏、毫米波雷达等技术建立一道可见或不可见的“防护墙”,当有非法入侵发生时,探测器检测识别后发出报警信号,震慑入侵者的同时,通知安保人员及时处理。 安全防范的第 Humanoid robot 2019-04-30 12:00:00 机器人是由计算机控制的复杂机器,它具有类似人的肢体及感官功能;动作程序灵活;有一定程度的智能;在工作时可以不依赖人的操纵。机器人传感器在机器人的控制中起了非常重要的作用,正因为有了传感器,机器人才具备了类似人类的知觉功能和反应能力。通过搭载传感器, Empty Bay Detection 2019-03-18 10:03:23 随着经济与科技的快速发展,城市机动车的数量不断增加,一些大中型城市车多位少的矛盾日益凸显,所导致的停车难、乱停车等问题也不断加剧,传统的停车管理方式已经满足不了停车场对于效率和安全性的要求。 Exhibition Review丨 Hypersen’s high-end smart sensors were invited to appear at three major exhibitions to accelerate global layout. 2024-04-10 09:54:14 Continue to increase the number of spectral confocal technologies and realize the iteration of six-dimensional force control technology. Hypersen’s high-end smart sensors were invited to appear at three major exhibitions to accelerate global layout. Industry Application丨Folding screen connection structure detection based on chromatic confocal technology 2024-03-29 02:49:40 Specific areas of the sample need to be coated with special materials in a specific arrangement. Due to the particularity of the materials, chromatic confocal technology is required to achieve measurement. Considering range, accuracy, efficiency and other factors, we will choose the 3D line confocal sensor HPS-LCX3000. March Exhibition Preview丨Hypersen will bring a variety of high-end smart sensors to many grand exhibitions, and we sincerely invite you to visit 2024-03-25 03:03:55 Spring is blooming in March, and various exhibitions are gradually kicking off. Hypersen will appear at three exciting events: the Korea Smart Factory and Automation Exhibition, the Chengdu AI and Machine Vision Technology Industrial Application Seminar, and the ITES Shenzhen Industrial Exhibition. At the exhibition, we will demonstrate the technology of sensors used in precision visual inspection and industrial flexible manufacturing. We look forward to your visit and exchange! Tesla unveils Optimus Gen 2: its next generation humanoid robot 2023-12-20 06:04:48 Tesla has unveiled “Optimus Gen 2”, a new generation of its humanoid robot that should be able to take over repetitive tasks from humans. Tesla Unveils Optimus Bot Generation 2 Doing Squats: 30% Faster Walking, 22 lb. Weight Reduction, and Smooth Movements 2023-12-16 04:31:03 Tesla has unveiled the next generation of its Optimus Robot (doing squats): the generation 2, with many improvements including 30% faster walking, a 22 lb. weight reduction, and much smoother movement of its limbs. Hypersen invites you to join automatica 2023 2023-06-26 05:48:08 The Leading Exhibition for Smart Automation and Robotics - "automatica 2023", will be held in Germany from June 27 to 30, and Hyperson's booth number is 4A-505. Hypersen’s high-end smart sensors appear at the Smart Factory+ Automation World 2023 2023-03-10 06:11:12 On March 10, the Korea Smart Factory + Automation World 2023 was successfully concluded. During the exhibition, Hypersen’s series of high-end smart sensor products received a large number of visitors’ attention. Empowering industrial manufacturin ​Hypersen will attend the “Smart Factory + Automation World 2023 2023-02-27 06:20:35 After a long period of COVID-19, in-person exhibition activities have been revitalized. As a high-tech enterprise, Hypersen's new technologies and new products need to be displayed. We will bring a series of high-end intelligent sensor products to Week In Review: Semiconductor Manufacturing, Test 2022-11-30 05:50:56 Upcoming fall-out from U.S. trade controls, ASML considering M&As, Sony invests in Thailand, Canada cracks down on China, Indium deposits in U.S. Hypersen High Speed Industrial Camera - Photography of liquid impurities and chemical detection 2022-09-30 01:59:13 Samsung plans to build $17 billion chip factory in Texas 2021-12-04 05:12:49        The South Korean electronics giant has chosen Taylor, outside of Austin, for its new semiconductor manufacturing hub. Samsung is poised to build a semiconductor plant in Central Texas, according to news reports, wit ABB Partners To Drive Next Generation Autonomous Mobile Robots 2021-12-04 04:55:51        ABB is entering into a strategic partnership with Swiss-based start-up Sevensense, founded in 2018 as a spin-off from ETH Zurich, to enhance ABB’s new autonomous mobile robotics (AMR) offering with artificial intelligenc Hypersen releases new high-end smart sensors, empowering Industry 4.0 with precision measurement technology 2021-12-03 03:34:39 With the progress of modern industrial technology and the upgrading of production tools, industrial manufacturing development, "industry 4.0" has become an industry hot word, as an automatic production "heart" sensor, not New products, new ultra-high-speed industrial cameras from Heberson empower machine AI vision 2021-11-29 06:25:28 Under the background of Industry 4.0, intelligent intelligence has become a hot word in the industrial field. In order to meet the needs of higher speed, efficiency and complex production environment, machines are also given more "facial features"- Transparent/translucent coating inspection 2021-11-09 09:31:33 In the field of precision measurement for the detection of small-sized materials, due to the complex internal materials, especially some highly reflective and transparent materials, traditional detection methods cannot me NACHI 2021-09-24 11:41:29 Elite 2021-08-18 02:07:53 UR 2021-08-18 02:02:16 IERA Award winner allows customized car designs 2021-06-19 05:06:41 Frankfurt, Jun 09, 2021 — The 2021 “Award for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Robotics & Automation” (IERA) goes to PixelPaint technology of ABB. Two high-precision robots make car painting faster, more sustainable and flexible – helping manufacturers to efficiently respond to individual demands. Two-tone and customized designs are applied in one pass. The technology eliminates overspray benefitting the environment. Hypersen The application of the Laser-Cross-Beam on the dispenser 2021-06-11 04:54:28 Hypersen Laser Cross Beam 2021-06-11 03:02:06 ​Koch Industries Collaborates with Mobile Industrial Robots to Deploy Autonomous Mobile Robots Worldwide 2021-06-07 10:28:06 HOLBROOK, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Mobile Industrial Robots, the global market leader in autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), today announced a worldwide strategic collaboration with one of the world’s largest private companies, Koch Industries. Hypersen High Speed Industrial Camera - The falling moment of a phone case 2021-05-27 11:50:40 High speed industrial camera - The falling moment of a phone case, Prick the water polo A LiDAR device the size of a finger now available 2021-05-25 02:07:19 A nanophotonics-based LiDAR technology developed by a POSTECH research team was presented as an invited paper in Nature Nanotechnology, the leading academic journal in the field of nanoscience and nanoengineering. Automated Guided Vehicles: Global Market 2021-05-22 07:18:53 Report Scope: In this report, the market has been segmented based on type, application, industry, navigation technology, battery type and geography. The report provides an overview of the global market for AGVs and analyzes market trends. ​HANNOVER MESSE 2021: Hypersen Unveils Its 3D Solid-state LiDAR, 6-Axis Force Torque Sensor and Other Sensors on the Exhibition 2021-04-13 05:17:10 SHENZHEN, China, April 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- From April 12th to 16th, Hypersen Technologies is attending Hannover Messe 2021 Digital Edition. Hypersen is showcasing its intelligent optical and mechanical sensors to help industrial companies improve their testing efficiency and yield rate through high-precision measurement, especially enterprises in the following fields: Industrial Automation, Robotics, AGV, Consumer electronics, and Lithium battery industry. Hypersen Chromatic Confocal Sensor HPS-CF4000-Multi-layer material thickness measurement 2021-03-04 04:12:27 Robot Force/Torque Feedback Control, Hypersen 6-Axis Force Torque Sensors Are Applied in Multiple Scenarios 2021-02-07 04:21:05 In the 1970s, Chinese robotics technology process began to take off. The application of robots in various industries has become more and more widespread. From simply replacing low-precision repetitive labor to obtaining sensory functions through high-precision sensors, robots will go towards artificial intelligence in the future. Hypersen High Speed Industrial Camera - Prick a water balloon 2021-01-08 02:18:19 China High-tech Fair: Hypersen Helps Create the Future of Smart Sensing with Its Core Technologies 2020-12-30 09:49:24 From Nov. 11th to 15th, the 22nd China High-tech Fair (Herein after referred to CHTF) was held in Shenzhen Exhibition and Convention Center with the theme of “Transforming the Future with Technology and Driving Development with Innovation”. This Being the “Domestique” of Chinese High-end Sensor, Hyperson Received A+ Round of Financing 2020-09-26 09:41:20 In a bicycle race, cyclists need to break through the air resistance to reach the fastest speed while riding at high speed. The "domestique" in the team plays a role in disrupting the opponent's rhythm to help the team leader win. This ca Hypersen Won the “Capek” Emerging Enterprise Award 2020-09-22 09:52:19 From August 27th to 29th, 2020, the 6th Capek Awarding Ceremony and the 10th China International Robot Summit Forum was held in Wuhu, Anhui Province, which has attracted half of Chinese robotics industry. With the theme of “Meet Capek, foreseeing Germany focuses on "robot care" to build smart hospital beds of the future 2020-08-24 10:22:49 With an investment of 1.8 million euros, a number of German scientific research institutions pay attention to "robot care" to jointly build future intelligent hospital beds At the end of 2019, China’s population of 65 years and over was abou Police patrol robot 2020-08-05 06:26:43 With the development of social economy, the scale and quantity of large passenger flows such as supermarkets, airports, stations, convention and exhibition centers and logistics warehouses continue to expand. The high-level and high-end commercial Chromatic Confocal Sensor enabling high-precision measurement Hypersen craftsmanship 2020-08-01 10:15:32 For a long time, technological innovation has been the key helmsman to seize the market, and all companies seeking development do not need to expand a diversified advanced product line to cope with the endless technological challenges. Hypersen Sensor Technology provides support for production safety 2020-07-31 03:03:07 By collecting and transmitting the environmental information under test, the sensor can realize the effective monitoring and early warning of dangerous factors. The six dimensional force sensor and face array solid state LIDAR sensor developed by Hypersen offer superior stability, sensitivity, rapid response and durability. With the development of the Internet of Things, sensors are expected to play a greater role in security Iot perception technology, security monitoring and early warning, etc. SLAM(Simultaneous localization and mapping) 2020-07-06 05:27:44 The development of warehousing Vehicle (AGV) in 2019 is focused on from "shelf to human" to "container to human". Affected by the epidemic in China in 2020, it prompts enterprises to develop new application fields such as medical logistics AGV. How 3D Solid State LiDARの環境構築(Ubuntu) 2020-07-01 02:58:32 はじめに 近年、LiDARは自動運転などにより普及が進み、価格が従来と比べて非常に安くなってきており、研究界隈でも注目されています。市場規模で言えば、2025年には約3,330億円規模に達すると予測されています。 今回はそんなLidarの中でも3D LiD Panasonic Develops Long-range TOF Image Sensor with High Ranging Accuracy 2020-07-01 02:12:38 This sensor can acquire highly accurate 3D information in accordance with the position of objects from near to far places at distances up to 250 m. Hypersen Chromatic Confocal Sensor HPS-CF4000-Glass thickness measurement with single channel against vibration 2020-05-23 06:17:57 Hypersen Chromatic Confocal Sensor HPS-CF4000-surface profile scanning demo 2020-05-23 06:15:26 Hypersen Chromatic Confocal Sensor HPS-CF4000-vibration-resistance and dynamic repeatability measurement for glass thickness 2020-05-19 09:48:14 Hypersen 3D Solid-state LiDAR HPS-3D160 demostration 2019-12-20 02:27:59 Hypersen ToF Ranging Sensor HPS-16x Series water-proof test 2019-12-20 02:21:37 Hypersen ToF Ranging Sensor HPS-16x Series Black and white test 2019-12-20 02:20:58 Hypersen ToF Ranging Sensor HPS-16x Series Temperature drift test 2019-12-20 02:20:19 Hypersen 3D Solid-state LiDAR HPS-3D160 Area protection / flow monitoring 2019-12-20 02:18:13 Hypersen 6-Axis Force Torque Sensor HPS-FT series-High precision force-controlled assembly 2019-12-20 02:14:45 Hypersen 6-Axis Force Torque Sensor HPS-FT series-force-controlled grinding demostration 2019-12-20 02:14:11 Hypersen 6-Axis Force Torque Sensor HPS-FT series-High precision assembly with EPSON robot 2019-12-20 02:13:38 Hypersen 6-Axis Torque Sensor HPS-FT series-2 million times full load test 2019-12-20 02:13:00 Hypersen 6-Axis Force Torque Sensor HPS-FT series-Hand-teaching with AUBO robot 2019-12-20 02:12:20 Hypersen 6-Axis Force Torque Sensor HPS-FT series-High-precision assembly with AUBO robot 2019-12-20 02:11:24